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Primary Level (K-2)

To Grandmother's House

45-60 Minutes


This is a specific design and coding challenge for K-2 students. Our little friends, Ozobot Spiderman and Rocket are on their way to Grandmother’s house for dinner. Ozobot needs to make a few stops to get some things along the way. They need the help of their friends to guide them all the way to grandma’s house


Coded Robots (Ozobots)

45-60 Minutes


Using markers, or Blockly, students code Ozobot through a series of training and simulated obstacles.



45-90 Minutes


Using Ozobot and whiteboard markers, students will code the small robot through a series of challenges and obstacles. This activity will be combined with a design build, frequently using Keva Blocks. This activity can be extended and made more challenging for students by introducing block coding using Ozoblockly.


Breakout Box - STEAM BUS Challenge

45-60 Minutes

breakout edu.png

In the NYSTEAMBus Breakout-Style session, we bring in pre-designed activities that make use of our current curriculum to teach STEAM concepts.


Google Expeditions

45-90 Minutes

google expeditions.png

Using Google Expeditions, students take a trip around the world to locations that can span across all curriculum areas.


Sailing into Summer

90-180 Minutes


Students will build and sail popsicle and paper sailboats across a pool of water (included). Students at this level will be introduced to the most basic ideas related to motion and stability. Students will analyze the push and pull on an object's motion and will be expected to conduct simple experiments to compare different strengths and directions.


Nano - Now That's Tiny!

Tailored to Available Time

*NEATEC UNIT*- Nanotechnology is the creation of new materials and devices to make things lighter, faster, stronger, smaller, and more durable. Because this technology works on a very small level, helping students understand comparable size and scale becomes paramount. This kit allows them to begin to understand size and scale of objects within their natural world while introducing them to the concept of objects being smaller than they can visualize. A side benefit to this kit is to allow students an introduction to hand lens use and making observations.



Nano Sand

Tailored to Available Time


*NEATEC UNIT*- Students participate in activities that compare the properties of regular play sand to that of hydrophobic Nano sand, observing the different effects water has on each and how Nano has influenced each. They are then asked to formulate ideas on why hydrophobic sand is beneficial and in what ways it can be utilized to solve real world problems such as oil spills and water retention during farming. This module takes place over 3, forty minute periods.


Renewable Energy

45-90 Minutes


Students will use wind, water, and light to make solve a set of design challenges.


Designed by the NY STEAM BUS team

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